• Question: what does nothing look like

    Asked by anon-210265 to Verity, Sergio, Nick, Maria, David, Annette on 6 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Nick Werren

      Nick Werren answered on 6 Mar 2019:

      The only reason we see things is because light hits stuff and then bounces off and then goes into our eyes where it’s detected. If there’s nothing to bounce off then there’s nothing to be seen, this means that nothing will just look like darkness.

    • Photo: Maria Walach

      Maria Walach answered on 6 Mar 2019:

      As Nick said, if there is nothing there for light to be reflected off into your eyes, there is nothing to see, so it will just be black.

      Space for example, is quite empty (but not 100%), so when you look into the night sky, it looks black because you are looking at nothing!
      Space isn’t all empty though: Imagine if you took all the things in the Universe and put them into a pot and stirred them all together to get an average colour…: You’d actually get beige!

      There’s also a material called Vantablack, which is the most absorbing material in the world. This means almost no light bounces off it and it’s said to be the darkest thing ever made!

    • Photo: David Whitworth

      David Whitworth answered on 6 Mar 2019:

      As both Nick and Maria say, we see things because light bounces of them, or is reflected back from them to our eyes. If there was nothing there for the light to bounce off of then we won’t see anything. So it would like being in the darkest of dark rooms, pure black. The closest we can really come to what it looks like would be something like Vanta Black, which can be seen in this video:

      It comes in spray cans!

    • Photo: Annette Raffan

      Annette Raffan answered on 8 Mar 2019:

      My husband said it looks like this ——> but I said that that looks like a bunch of grey pixels, plus there is light. If there is nothing, then there is no light for us to see things, therefore there would just be blackness, just like the giant vacuum (lack of particles) which is space.

    • Photo: Sergio Adan Bermudez

      Sergio Adan Bermudez answered on 11 Mar 2019:

      It is basically the absence of light, nothing it is absorbed, so nothing can be seen. If you think of a black hole, when the light enters it cannot go out, that would be “nothing” for me
