• Question: what is space plasma?

    Asked by anon-209961 to Maria on 8 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Maria Walach

      Maria Walach answered on 8 Mar 2019:

      A space plasma is a plasma in space!
      Plasma is the fourth state of matter (the others are gas, solid and liquid) – it means that the particles a gas for example is made out of (the protons & electrons) have enough energy to move freely from each other.
      In a gas, all the protons and electrons are bound together to make atoms which then combine to make up the gas. If you give the gas enough *OOMPH*, by heating them for example, the electrons and protons separate and you get a particle soup. That’s a plasma!
      It happens for example in the Sun or in the most upper parts of the Earth’s atmosphere!
